
上海龙凤shlf最新地址And it is the imaginative quality of Christ’s own nature that makes him this palpitating centre of romance. The strange figures of poetic drama and ballad are made by the imagination of others, but out of his own imagination entirely did Jesus of Nazareth create himself[111a]. The cry of Isaiah had really no more to do with his coming than the song of the nightingale has to do with the rising of the moon—no more, though perhaps no less. He was the denial as well as the affirmation of prophecy. For every expectation that he fulfilled, there was another that he destroyed. In all beauty, says Bacon, there is “some strangeness of proportion,” [111b] [111.1] and of those who are born of the spirit, of those, that is to say, who like himself are dynamic forces, Christ says that they are like the wind that “bloweth where it listeth and no man can tell whence it cometh or whither it goeth.” [111.2] That is why he is so fascinating to artists. He has all the colour-elements of life: mystery, strangeness, pathos, suggestion, ecstasy, love. He appeals to the temper of wonder, and creates that mood by which alone he can be understood. 

正是基督本人天性中那富有想象力的气质,使他成为这生气勃勃的罗曼司中心。诗剧和歌谣中奇特的人物是别人的想象造出来的,但拿撒勒的耶稣创造自己,凭的全是自己的想象[111a]。以赛亚的呼唤同他的降世,其间的关系就像夜莺的歌声同月亮的升起,两者相差不多——不多,虽然也许也不少。他既是对预言的确认,也是对预言的否认。因为他每成就一个期望,便摧毁了另一个。所有的美,培根说了,都存在着“某种比例上的奇特之处” [111b];至于那些生就这种精神,也就是说,那些同他一样具有勃勃生机的人,基督说,他们就像风“随着意思吹,你听见风的响声,却不晓得它从哪里来,往哪里去”。这就是为什么他那么让艺术家着迷。他具备了生活所有的色调:神秘、奇特、悲情、暗示、狂喜、挚爱。他打动人的惊叹之心,并营造出这样一种情调,只有借助这情调才能理解他。